Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Parker's Chana Curry recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Parker's Chana Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Parker's Chana Curry
Parker's Chana Curry

Before you jump to Parker's Chana Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Deciding on Wholesome Fast Food.

Almost every single article about weight loss and getting healthy explains readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague as well as to carry out all of their own cooking. There’s some benefit to that. But occasionally the last thing you would like to do is put together a whole meal for yourself and your family. Sometimes almost all you desperately want is to go to the drive through and get home as soon as possible. There is no reason that you shouldn’t be able to do this once in a while and be free of the guilt usually associated with “diet slips”. You are capable of doing this because most of the popular joints are now promoting “healthy” menu alternatives to keep their businesses up. Here is how you can eat healthy when you hit the drive through.

Concentrate on the sides. Not that long ago, the only side dish item available at a fast food restaurant was French fries. Now most of the fast food selections have been widened quite a bit. There are plenty of salads available now. You can get chili. Baked potatoes can even be purchased. Fruit is normally offered. There are lots of healthy options that do not include things like putting something deep fried into your body. When you buy your dinner through a drive through window, select side dishes instead of just grabbing something premade. This helps you keep the calorie count low and lessen your fat intake.

Standard logic tells us that one sure way to get healthy and shed pounds is to skip the drive through and to banish fast food restaurants from your thoughts. While this is usually a good suggestion all you need to do is make a couple of good choices and visiting the drive through isn’t anything to worry about–when you do it in moderation. Every now and then, allowing someone else cook dinner is just the thing you need. There isn’t any reason to feel terrible about visiting the drive through when you make healthy and balanced decisions!

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to parker's chana curry recipe. You can cook parker's chana curry using 20 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook Parker's Chana Curry:
  1. Take 1 can Chickpeas (drained)
  2. You need 1/4 cup Frozen peas
  3. Prepare 1 Sweet potato diced into cubes
  4. You need 1 Potato diced into cubes
  5. Use 14 oz Can of crushed tomatoes
  6. Use 1 tbsp Ginger finely chopped
  7. Use 4 clove of garlic finely chopped
  8. Get 1 Red bell pepper chopped
  9. Take 1/2 Onion chopped
  10. Use 1/2 cup Fresh cilantro chopped
  11. Take 1/2 cup Vegetable broth
  12. Use 1/3 cup Light coconut milk
  13. Use 3 tbsp Creamy peanut butter
  14. Take 3 medium Kale leaves chopped
  15. Use 1 Cayenne pepper
  16. Take 4 tsp Garam masala
  17. Get 4 tsp Curry powder
  18. Take 1 packages Garlic naan
  19. You need 1 tbsp Coconut oil (or any oil of choice)
  20. You need 1 Salt
Instructions to make Parker's Chana Curry:
  1. Saute onion, garlic, and ginger in coconut oil in a large pot. While it's saut?ing add 2 teaspoons of the curry powder and 2 teaspoons of the garam masala. Saute ingredients for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add tomatoes, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cilantro, salt, bell pepper, chickpeas, vegetable broth, and cayenne pepper over medium heat and cover. Cook for 20-30 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
  3. In a small bowl mix together peanut butter and coconut milk until smooth. Add peanut mixture and kale to pot and continue to cook an additional 10 minutes.
  4. Add additional garam masala and curry powder to your taste. I enjoy deep flavor so I always use all 4 teaspoons (if not more).
  5. Serve with toasted naan.

If you find this Parker's Chana Curry recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.