Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Leftovers Fritters recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Leftovers Fritters recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Leftovers Fritters
Leftovers Fritters

Before you jump to Leftovers Fritters recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Good For You.

Almost every “get healthy” and “weight loss” document you go through will tell you to skip the drive through and make all of your meals yourself. This is actually very true. Once in a while, though, you definitely do not wish to make a whole meal for your family or even just for yourself. Once in a while you just want to pay a visit to the drive through while you’re on your way home and end the day. Why shouldn’t you be able to do this from time to time and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet? This is because a lot of the popular fast food restaurants around are trying to “healthy up” their choices. Here’s how it is possible to eat healthfully when you’re at a fast food place.

Your beverage should be water or juice or milk. Choosing a huge soda as your beverage adds hundreds of unhealthy calories to your meal. A sole helping of soda is normally thought to be eight ounces. Those eight ounces usually are at least 100 calories and close to ten tablespoons of sugar. A fast food soft drink is frequently at the very least twenty ounces. Thirty ounces, however, is much more common. Choosing a soda pop as your drink boosts your calorie intake by thousands and adds way too much sugar to your diet. Water, fruit juice and milk, however, are better choices.

Fundamental reason states that the proper way to lose fat and get healthy is to ban fast food from your diet altogether. Most of the time this is a good idea but if you make beneficial choices, there’s no reason you can’t visit your drive through now and then. Occasionally, letting someone else cook dinner is just the thing you need. There isn’t any reason to feel terrible about going to the drive through when you make healthful decisions!

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to leftovers fritters recipe. You can have leftovers fritters using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to make Leftovers Fritters:
  1. Provide Leftovers. Brown rice highly desirable for texture, gravy, curry
  2. Provide White wheat flour as per leftovers amount
  3. Prepare Baking powder as per amount
  4. Prepare Additional seasoning as needed. More spices advisable
  5. Provide Onion as per amount, chopped
  6. Prepare Deep frying oil
Instructions to make Leftovers Fritters:
  1. Mix the ingredients into a dough. It shouldn't be too stiff.
  2. Drop small pieces into the hot oil with a spoon or your hands and deep fry to golden brown.
  3. Finish them in the oven at high heat for a few minutes.
  4. The first batch turned out soggy due to the dough being too light so I had to add flour to the remaining dough to make it a little bit stiffer, though not full doughy. With the ruined batch I added spices, chili and flour to turn out an amazing batch of savoury spicy cookies.

If you find this Leftovers Fritters recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.