Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Thai green curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Thai green curry
Thai green curry

Before you jump to Thai green curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Deciding on Healthy and balanced Fast Food.

Just about every single article you read about restoring your health or slimming down is going to tell you to ignore the drive through and cook all of your meals instead. This is actually very good advice. But sometimes the last thing you want to do is prepare a whole meal for yourself and your family. Once in a while you only want to pay a visit to the drive through when you are on your way home and finish the day. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be permitted to do this and not be suffering from guilt about slipping on your diet. This is because a lot of the popular fast food restaurants around are trying to “healthy up” their choices. Here’s how it is possible to eat healthfully when you’re at a fast food place.

Go with the side dishes. Not too long ago, the only real side dish item available at a fast food restaurant was French fries. Today the majority of the most popular fast food franchises have enhanced their products. Now quite a few of them offer you salads. You can also pick out Chili. You may buy a baked potato. You can choose fruit. There are a lot of alternatives that don’t require eating something deep fried. When you get your supper through a drive through window, opt for side dishes instead of just grabbing something premade. When you are doing this you are able to keep your fat content and calorie counts low.

Logic claims that one of the best ways to stay balanced is to bypass the drive through and never eat fast food. While, in most cases, this is a good idea, if you make sensible choices, there is no reason to feel guilty for visiting a drive through one or two times a month. Sometimes what you need most is just to have someone else do the cooking. If you ultimately choose healthy things, the shame usually associated with hitting the drive through shouldn’t be so bad.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to thai green curry recipe. You can have thai green curry using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Thai green curry:
  1. Use 100 grams green beans
  2. Provide Oil
  3. Prepare 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  4. Take 1-2 green chillies if you like it spicy!
  5. Use 2 tablespoons Thai green curry paste
  6. Get 400 ml coconut milk
  7. Get 2 teaspoons fish sauce
  8. Get 1 teaspoon sugar
  9. Provide 400 grams chicken breast, cut into chunks
  10. Prepare 1 Zest of lime
  11. Use Aubergine
  12. Provide 2 carrots
  13. Get Handful mushrooms
  14. Take Handful coriander leaves
Instructions to make Thai green curry:
  1. In a wok, heat some oil and add the garlic, chillis and Thai curry paste. After two minutes, add the chicken and chopped onion.
  2. Once the chicken has browned, add aubergine and coconut milk, reduce to a simmer.
  3. Drop in the mushrooms, chopped carrot and green beans then add fish sauce and soy sauce to taste. Cook on a low heat for 15 minutes until the sauce has thickened.
  4. Add a handful of chopped coriander just before serving and plate up with rice and a squeeze of lime.

If you find this Thai green curry recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.