Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, if you're looking for Aloo Matar (North Indian Style Potato & Pea curry)
A simple but delightful plant based curry option recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Aloo Matar (North Indian Style Potato & Pea curry)
A simple but delightful plant based curry option recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Before you jump to Aloo Matar (North Indian Style Potato & Pea curry)
A simple but delightful plant based curry option recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Certainly Have Huge Benefits For Your Health.
I am certain you have heard that you should be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is important? This is something which many men and women live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. This specific thought can be identified in country’s all around the world and men and women follow it as gospel with out ever learning why they should eat an apple a day. You will be delighted to know that we have done a little research, and we are going to tell you why this is thought to be a miracle fruit.
So what can all these minerals and vitamins do for the actual health of your system. Well to start with there have been a lot of studies done that report that eating apples can reduce the risk of various cancers. And by eating apples you could lessen your chances of getting breast or lung cancer. Just that one element should be enough reason for every person to start eating apples.
In conclusion, I guess an apple a day actually can keep the doctor away and now you understand why. One thing you should understand is that we only mentioned some of the benefits of eating apples. Every one of the benefits would take us too much time to include in this article, nevertheless the information is out there. I am hoping that the the very next time you go to the supermarket you end up getting plenty of apples. It can definitely help your health for short term and for the long haul.
We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to aloo matar (north indian style potato & pea curry)
a simple but delightful plant based curry option recipe. To cook aloo matar (north indian style potato & pea curry)
a simple but delightful plant based curry option you need 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
The ingredients needed to cook Aloo Matar (North Indian Style Potato & Pea curry)
A simple but delightful plant based curry option:
- Prepare 1 tsp cooking oil
- Take 1 large onion (diced)
- Use 1/2 tin chopped tomatoes / 3-4 tomatoes chopped
- Use 1/2 cup vegetable stock
- Take 1 clove garlic, minced
- Provide 1 chilli (finely chopped)
- Use 1/2 tsp ginger paste
- Take 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
- Prepare 1/4 cumin powder
- Use 1/4 tsp red chilli powder (mild)
- Get 1 tsp garam masala
- Use 1 tsp ground peanuts
- Use to taste Salt
- Take 3 Potatoes (medium) - roasted or par boiled
- Prepare 1/2 cup peas
Steps to make Aloo Matar (North Indian Style Potato & Pea curry)
A simple but delightful plant based curry option:
- In a pan, heat the oil, add diced onions, ginger and chopped chillies. Saute until soft.
- Add chopped tomatoes, garlic and garam masala. Saute until the tomatoes are soft/cooked. Blend into a smooth sauce. Add turmeric, chilli powder, ground cumin, ground peanuts and vegetable stock. Cook until the sauce starts to bubble, stirring occasionally. Season to taste
- Now toss in the diced roast/par boiled potatoes and peas. Enjoy warm with rice or paratha bread
If you find this Aloo Matar (North Indian Style Potato & Pea curry)
A simple but delightful plant based curry option recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.