Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’› recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’› recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’›
Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’›

Before you jump to Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’› recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Below Are A Few Simple Reasons Why Consuming Apples Is Good.

I am certain you’ve heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever wonder why this is actually important? This is something which many men and women live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. You will even find that people in other country’s also adhere to this simple rule and they do not know why. In this post we are going to be taking a look at apples to see if they really are a food that can help to keep you healthy.

Cornell University had a study on the effect apples have on the mind. They learned that one of the components in apples referred to as quercetin, has actually been proven to help you to protect brain cells. And naturally thanks to this component in apples, they’re able to actually reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms.

And now you know why men and women tell you that you need to eat an apple every day. In this post we just dealt with some of the benefits of eating an apple a day. Should you look and ask around, you’ll come to see that the benefits can seem to be limitless. When you go shopping again, be sure to buy some apples, their in the produce section. These apples could end up helping you to live a longer and also healthier life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to healthy oats and jaggery cookies💛 recipe. To make healthy oats and jaggery cookies💛 you only need 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to cook Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’›:
  1. Prepare 1 cup wheat flour
  2. Use 1 bowl oats
  3. Prepare 5-6 tablespoon ghee
  4. Provide 1/2 bowl water
  5. Get 3/4 th bowl jaggery
Instructions to make Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’›:
  1. Take 1cup wheat flour, 1bowl oats, 1teaspoon baking powder, 5-6 tablespoon ghee/butter and mix them.
  2. Take 1/2bowl water and add 3/4th bowl jaggery and mix them until combined well.
  3. Now add the water made to the dry ingredients gradually to make a dough and keep aside for 10 mins.
  4. Now after 10 mins, make small balls and keep them in the baking tray on 180’ for 15-20 mins. Enjoy once they are cool.

If you find this Healthy Oats And Jaggery Cookiesđź’› recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.