Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, if you're looking for Healthy Oats Pancakes recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Healthy Oats Pancakes recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Before you jump to Healthy Oats Pancakes recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are Several Simple Reasons Why Consuming Apples Is Good.
More than likely you’ve heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is actually important? You might know people that live by this and also demand that their children live by this guideline as well. You will even find that individuals in other country’s also follow this simple rule and they do not even know why. In our research we have discovered why you are told to eat an apple a day and we’ll be sharing that with you here.
Cornell University did a study on the effect apples have on your brain. This research revealed that the ingredients in apples have the capacity to help keep your brain cells from deteriorating as we age. Not to mention thanks to this ingredient in apples, they can in fact reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms.
And now you recognize why individuals tell you that you should eat an apple every day. Something you should recognize is that we only discussed a handful of the benefits of eating apples. All the benefits would take us too long to include in this article, nevertheless the information is out there. I am hoping that the next time you go to the supermarket you end up getting plenty of apples. These apples could wind up helping you to live a longer and healthier life.
We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to healthy oats pancakes recipe. You can cook healthy oats pancakes using 11 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Healthy Oats Pancakes:
- You need 1/2 cup oats flour (blended oats)
- Take 1/2 cup blended oatmeal cookies
- Use 4 tbsp all-purpose flour
- Prepare 3 tbsp granulated sugar/ any sweetener (optional)
- Provide 1 tbsp baking powder
- Use 3/4 cup milk (milk of choice)
- You need 1/4 cup melted butter
- Provide 1/3 cup apple puree / applesauce
- Take 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- Prepare 1/8 tsp salt
- Take Butter, as needed (for frying)
Steps to make Healthy Oats Pancakes:
- In a large mixing bowl, add in all the dry ingredients and mix well to combine.
- After, make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients.
- Mix thoroughly until everything is well combined and there are no lumps.
- Let the batter sit on the counter uncovered at room temperature for 10 minutes.
- After, heat a shallow frying pan over medium low heat and add in about 1 tablespoon of butter, let the butter melt and swirl the pan to evenly coat the bottom with butter and lower the heat to low.
- Measure a little less than 1/2 cup of the pancake batter per pancake and with a spoon, spoon the mixture into the pan and use the back of the spoon to spread out the batter as this batter is fairly thick in consistency.
- Cook for about 4 minutes on low heat flipping halfway through (be careful, these pancakes are a bit crumbly). Repeat for the remaining batter.
- After frying all the pancakes, stack them up as desired and serve with toppings of choice (butter, fresh fruit, jam, cream, honey, maple syrup,etc.) Enjoy!
If you find this Healthy Oats Pancakes recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.