Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Aubergine & Chickpea Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Aubergine & Chickpea Curry
Aubergine & Chickpea Curry

Before you jump to Aubergine & Chickpea Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Below Are A Few Basic Explanations Why Eating Apples Is Good.

Everybody has heard the phrase “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”, but the question is, is this really a true statement. This is a thing that many people live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. You will even find that individuals in other country’s also stick to this simple rule and they do not know why. In our research we have learned why you are told to eat an apple a day and we will be discussing that with you here.

You will additionally be able to have a healthier heart by eating apples. I am sure you know that apples contain fiber, and that, and some of the other components of apples can promote heart health. You may even be surprised to discover that another way apples can assist your heart is by lowering cholesterol. Of course to get all the benefits from apples you will need to know that most of the benefits can be located in the apples skin. The main reason I point this out is simply because many men and women will peel an apple before eating it and that is actually a bad thing as you are removing a lot of the nutritional value.

To sum up, I guess an apple a day definitely can keep the doctor away and now you understand why. The one thing you should recognize is that we only discussed a handful of the benefits of eating apples. Every one of the benefits would take us to much time to include in this write-up, but the information is out there. I am hoping that the the very next time you go to the grocery store you end up getting plenty of apples. You will see that your overall health could greatly be benefited when you eat apples.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to aubergine & chickpea curry recipe. You can have aubergine & chickpea curry using 11 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to cook Aubergine & Chickpea Curry:
  1. Use 2 Aubergines
  2. You need 1 tbsp Mustard Seeds
  3. You need 10 Curry Leaves
  4. Take 2 Dried Chillies
  5. Use 4 tsp Garam Masala
  6. You need 2 tsp Ground Coriander
  7. Get 2 tsp Turmeric
  8. Prepare 1 can Coconut Milk
  9. Prepare 6 Tomatoes
  10. Use 1 Onion
  11. Take 2 tbsp Oil
Instructions to make Aubergine & Chickpea Curry:
  1. Quarter the tomatoes, and dice onions finely.
  2. Halve the aubergines, then cut each half into wedges.
  3. Heat ½ tbsp oil in a large pan, preferably non-stick, and brown half the aubergines for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown and crisp all over.
  4. Scoop onto a plate, repeat with more oil and the remaining aubergines, then set everything
  5. Add the remaining oil to the pan with the mustard seeds and curry leaves and fry for 30s until fragrant.
  6. Stir in the onions and continue cooking until they are softened and beginning to brown.
  7. Add the dried chillies and spices with a spoonful of the thick coconut milk from the top of the can, then fry for 1 minute more.
  8. Add the remaining coconut milk, tomatoes and half a can of water. Simmer for 25-30 minutes until thick and saucy.
  9. Stir in the chickpeas and aubergines. Continue simmering for 5 minutes or so, until everything is hot and the aubergines are tender.
  10. Serve with rice or warm Naan, scattered with a few extra curry leaves sizzled in a splash of oil, if you like.

If you find this Aubergine & Chickpea Curry recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.