Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Instant Jalebis With Baking powder recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Instant Jalebis With Baking powder recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Instant Jalebis With Baking powder
Instant Jalebis With Baking powder

Before you jump to Instant Jalebis With Baking powder recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Finding Nutritious Fast Food.

Almost every single article about reducing your weight and getting healthy tells readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague as well as to do all of their own cooking. This is really very good advice. But occasionally the last thing you wish to do is put together a whole supper for yourself and your family. Once in a while you need to visit the drive through when you are on your way home and complete the day. There is no reason that you shouldn’t be able to make it happen once in a while and be free of the guilt usually associated with “diet slips”. This is because a lot of the well-known fast food restaurants out there are trying to “healthy up” their selections. Here is how you can eat healthy when you hit the drive through.

Visit a drive through for a place that has made it a practice to offer healthier options to people. Arby’s as an example, does not offer burgers. You could eat roast beef sandwiches, wraps and salads as a substitute. While Wendy’s has offered hamburgers for decades, in addition they have plenty of other healthy options like salads, baked potatoes and chili. Not every thing is McDonalds using its deep fried chicken parts and also other terribly unfit items.

Traditional logic tells us that one certain way to get healthy and lose weight is to drop the drive through and to remove fast food restaurants from your thoughts. Most of the time this is a good plan but if you make beneficial choices, there is not any reason you can’t visit your drive through once in a while. Occasionally, allowing someone else cook dinner is just what you require. When you select healthful menu items, you do not have to feel guilty about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to instant jalebis with baking powder recipe. To make instant jalebis with baking powder you only need 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Instant Jalebis With Baking powder:
  1. Prepare All-purpose Flour or Maida
  2. You need Food Colour
  3. Provide Gram Flour or Besan
  4. Take Cornflour
  5. Use Baking powder
  6. Provide thick Curd
  7. Take Water
  8. Prepare THE SUGAR SYRUP -
  9. You need Cardamom powder
  10. Take Saffron
  11. Use Sugar
  12. Provide Water
Steps to make Instant Jalebis With Baking powder:
  1. Make a thick yet flowing consistency batter using all the ingredients mentioned. If you do not wish to add Baking powder, then allow the batter to ferment in a clean and dry place well covered for about 8-10 hours.
  2. Heat Oil or Ghee as required in a pan. Fill the Jalebi maker with the batter. The Oil should be hot but should be heated on a low heat to maintain a steady temperature. Make concentric rings in a clockwise wise manner about 4 at a time. Deep fry them on a low to medium high heat until crisp and done.
  3. Maintain a steady heat throughout. If the Jalebis disperse in Oil, it means either the Oil is too hot or the batter is not thick. So add a little more of the Flour. Check by making one Jalebi at first.
  4. Make a single string consistency Sugar syrup using all the ingredients mentioned. It should be warm. Now dip the fried and well drained Jalebis in the syrup until nicely soaked or drenched in it for a minute for each batch of 4. Do not crowd it.
  5. Serve them garnished with Pistachios and Almonds. They taste absolutely great with Fresh Cream or Rabdi.

If you find this Instant Jalebis With Baking powder recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.