Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Vege egg curry recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Vege egg curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Vege egg curry
Vege egg curry

Before you jump to Vege egg curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Very good For You.

Almost every single article about weight loss and getting healthy tells readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague as well as to carry out all of their own cooking. This is literally very true. But sometimes the last thing you would like to do is make a whole meal for yourself and your family. Once in a while you need to check out the drive through when you are on your way home and complete the day. Why shouldn’t you be capable of do this every so often and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet program? This is because many of the popular fast food restaurants around are trying to “healthy up” their choices. Here’s how it’s possible to eat healthfully while you are at a fast food place.

Select a drive through for a restaurant that’s known for catering to people with healthier palates. For example, Arby’s won’t serve hamburgers. You can have roast beef sandwiches, wraps and salads as a substitute. Wendy’s, whilst no stranger to the hamburger, likewise includes plenty of additional meal choices: large salads, large baked potatoes and other tasty items fill its menu. Not many fast food spots are as unhealthy as McDonalds with its deep fried everything.

Standard logic tells us that one positive way to get healthy and lose weight is to skip the drive through and to banish fast food restaurants from your thoughts. While, for the most part, this is a good idea, if you make sensible choices, there is no reason to feel guilty for visiting a drive through one or two times a month. Sometimes the thing you need is to let another person create your dinner. If you ultimately choose healthy products, the shame usually associated with hitting the drive through shouldn’t be so bad.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to vege egg curry recipe. You can cook vege egg curry using 34 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Vege egg curry:
  1. Use 150 gms paneer
  2. You need 3 pc. tomato
  3. Get 3 pcs. onion
  4. Get 1 tb. oil
  5. Get 1 tb. butter
  6. Take khada masala
  7. Prepare 1 tej patta
  8. Prepare 2 pcs. taj
  9. Use 2 cardamom small
  10. Get 2 big elcha
  11. Provide 2-3 cloves
  12. You need 1/2 t. sp cumin seeds
  13. Prepare 1 t. sp red chilli powder
  14. Get 1/4 cup curd
  15. Provide 1 tb. daaliya powder
  16. Provide 1 tb Almond powder
  17. Use 1 tb. cashew nut powder
  18. Provide 1/2 t. sp termeric powder
  19. You need salt par taste
  20. Prepare 1 tb. garammasala
  21. You need 1 t. sp jeera powder
  22. Prepare 1 t. sp dhania powder
  23. Take 1 t. sp kewda water
  24. Provide 1 t. sp rose water
  25. Get pinch yellow food colour
  26. Provide 1 tb. corn flour
  27. You need 1/2 t.sp suth powder
  28. Get oil for fry
  29. Use 6-7 curry patta
  30. Get foil paper
  31. Prepare 1 tb ginger garlic paste
  32. You need 1 tb. corriender
  33. Get 1 tb. mint leaves
  34. Take 1 tb. honey
Steps to make Vege egg curry:
  1. For paste:-put oil in a pan n saute chopped tomato chopped onion till it transparant. now add ginger garlic paste. n churn. now add corriander n mint leaves ceshewnut powder almond powder n churn
  2. Now Take a pan add oil butter cuminseeds tej patta clove elichi elcha taj n saute add curry patta onion tomato paste red chilli powder dhania powder daaliya powder garam masala suth powdee haldi jeera powder salt mix well. now beat curd n add nadd 1/2 cup up water. cook on slow cover the lid till oil released.add honey.
  3. Now grate paneer n take pinch food colour n pinch salt. on small part n make oval balls fromplain grated white paneer add 1t.sp corn flour n pinch salt. Now put yellow ball in white paneer ball. n cover properly. coat with cornflour n fry just 1-2mins. Now slit from middle n add in gravy. Curry is ready
  4. For dhrungar :-Take a subji in ovan bowl cover with foil paper. Put in oven on hi - - power for 10 mins. remove foil paper. Ready to serve. Garnish with onion ring tomato n corriender chopped.
  5. Tasty delicious n innovative vege egg curry is ready to serve.

If you find this Vege egg curry recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.