Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Multigrain raisin bread loaf recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Multigrain raisin bread loaf
Multigrain raisin bread loaf

Before you jump to Multigrain raisin bread loaf recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Finding Nutritious Fast Food.

Just about every single article you read about bettering your health or slimming down is going to tell you to ignore the drive through and cook all of your meals instead. There’s some value to this. Now and then, though, you definitely do not wish to make an entire meal for your family or even just for yourself. Sometimes just about all you really want is to go to the drive through and get home as quickly as possible. Why shouldn’t you have the ability to do this every now and then and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet program? This is possible because lots of the popular fast food places making the effort to make their menus better now. Here’s how it’s possible to eat healthfully when you’re at a fast food restaurant.

Visit a drive through in a place which has made it a practice to provide healthier options to people. Arby’s for example, is void of burgers. Instead, your choices include roast beef and chicken sandwiches, wraps and big salads. Wendy’s, while no stranger to the hamburger, likewise includes an abundance of additional meal choices: large salads, large baked potatoes and other tasty items fill its menu. Not all fast food places are as unhealthy as McDonalds with its deep fried everything.

Logic says that one the easiest way to stay healthy and balanced is to sidestep the drive through and never eat fast food. While, usually, this is a good plan, if you make smart choices, there is no reason to feel guilty for visiting a drive through one or two times a month. Occasionally, letting someone else cook dinner is just what you require. When you select healthy menu items, you do not have to feel guilty about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to multigrain raisin bread loaf recipe. You can have multigrain raisin bread loaf using 14 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to cook Multigrain raisin bread loaf:
  1. Get 100 ml Warm milk
  2. Prepare 1 tsp Dry yeast
  3. Provide 1 tsp Sugar
  4. Prepare 250 gms Melted unsalted butter
  5. Provide 250 gms All purpose flour
  6. Provide 1 pinch salt
  7. Use 1 tbspn olive oil
  8. You need 3 pearls Garlic finely chopped
  9. You need 1 handful dry raisins
  10. Provide 10 gms each sunflower and pumpkin seeds toasted
  11. Take 5 gms black toasted sesame seeds
  12. Take 10 gms each toasted Flaxseeds, oats and quinoa
  13. Use 20 gms Grated cheddar cheese
  14. Get 1 tbspn mixed herbs (optional)
Instructions to make Multigrain raisin bread loaf:
  1. Combine milk, yeast and sugar in a mixing bowl and leave it for about 5 minutes to activate the yeast (If using activated yeast you can combine all the ingredients and proceed for the next step without waiting)
  2. Now add a pinch of salt, oregano 3/4 th tspn, garlic chopped, butter 2 tbspn to it and blend well
  3. Now fold in the flour bit by bit into the batter and knead for about 10 mins into a soft dough(no extra water needed). Add more butter if needed.(you may seive the flour into the bowl if desired)
  4. Now throw in a few raisins, 5 gms of each seeds(except sesame), entire oats and quinoa into the batter and incorporate them well in the dough
  5. Add a tbspn of olive oil knead well again.
  6. Now tuck the dough well into a ball shape and let it rest covered for 2 hours at least till the dough has doubled in size
  7. Now sprinkle some flour on the kitchen rack or a flat tray and place the dough on it and knead well again
  8. Now flatten the dough in the desired shape..round, Long cylindrical or Long oval..
  9. Brush a good amount of butter on top of the dough prepared
  10. Dazzle the remaining raisins on top of the dough, sprinkle the remaining toasted seeds including sesame and cheese.(I chose to sprinkle at the sides to give it a different look)
  11. Sprinkle the mixed herbs on the dough if desired
    1. Align a baking sheet on the baking tray and place the dough for baking on it. You may choose to make light cut marks on the dough with the help of a knife to enable easy slicing after the loaf has been baked
  12. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degree celcius
  13. Serve your freshly baked soft multigrain bread with eggs for breakfast or your favourite soup for dinner. Enjoy!
  14. Tips: Add the seeds as per your desire. Home baked breads have an advantage of all the healthy ingredients possible

If you find this Multigrain raisin bread loaf recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.