Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Honey Lemon Salmon recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Honey Lemon Salmon
Honey Lemon Salmon

Before you jump to Honey Lemon Salmon recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Deciding on Healthy and balanced Fast Food.

Almost every single article about weight loss and getting healthy tells readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague and to perform all of their own cooking. This is really excellent advice. Now and then, though, you definitely do not want to make an entire meal for your family or even just for yourself. Once in a while you need to check out the drive through while you are on your way home and complete the day. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be permitted to do this and not be tormented by shame about slipping on your diet. You can do this because many of the popular joints are now marketing “healthy” menu selections to keep their businesses up. Here is the way to find appropriate food choices at the drive through.

Your drink should be water or juice or milk. When you sip a huge soft drink you are introducing a lot of empty calories to your day. A single helping of soda is commonly thought to be eight ounces. That portion may contain many spoonfuls of sugar as well as at least a hundred calories. Most fast food soda sizes start at twenty ounces. It is most often no less than 30 ounces. This ensures that just purchasing a soft drink will add cupfulls of sugar and thousands of empty calories to your diet program. Milk, fruit juices or plain water are much healthier choices.

Logic states that that one of the best ways to stay healthy is to sidestep the drive through and never eat fast food. While this is usually a good idea all you need to do is make a number of good selections and going to the drive through isn’t anything to worry about–when you do it in moderation. Every now and then, letting someone else cook dinner is just what you need. If you choose healthy products, the shame usually associated with hitting the drive through shouldn’t be so bad.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to honey lemon salmon recipe. To cook honey lemon salmon you need 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Honey Lemon Salmon:
  1. Use 1.15 lb salmon
  2. You need 5 cloves chopped garlic
  3. Use 3 tsp lemon juice
  4. Prepare 3 tbsp honey
  5. Provide 2 tsp parsley, minced
  6. Use 3 tbsp butter cut in pieces
  7. Provide 2-3 sprigs thyme, leaves removed and minced
  8. You need to taste Salt & pepper
  9. Use Slices lemon for garnish
Steps to make Honey Lemon Salmon:
  1. Cut up the lemon, garlic, parsley, and thyme. Preheat the oven to 375F.
  2. Pat the salmon down with paper towel. Place salmon on a piece of foil on top of a baking pan. Season with salt & pepper to taste.
  3. Mix the ingredients in step 1 in a small bowl. Add the honey.
  4. Fold up your foil so that it forms a boat. Place the lemon slices and butter allll arounddd the salmon. Get up in there!
  5. If you got enough foil, you can wrap the salmon up like a Christmas present. I didn’t get enough foil, so I placed a smaller piece on top like shown. Bake for 20 mins.
  6. You can broil the top for 4 mins to get some crispy edges. Enjoy :)

If you find this Honey Lemon Salmon recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.