Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Tomato Curry recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Tomato Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tomato Curry
Tomato Curry

Before you jump to Tomato Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Fine For You.

Almost every single “get healthy” and “weight loss” posting you go through will tell you to skip the drive through and make all of your meals yourself. There’s some worth to that. But sometimes the last thing you want to do is put together a whole meal for yourself and your family. Sometimes you just would like to go to the drive through along the way home and call it a day. Why shouldn’t you be capable of do this every so often and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet regime? This is because many of the well-known fast food restaurants on the market are trying to “healthy up” their choices. Here’s how it is possible to eat healthfully while you are at a fast food place.

Focus on the sides. It wasn’t too long ago that French Fries were your only side dish choice at a restaurant. Now more or less all of the popular fast food places have widened their menus. Now you may get a variety of salads. Chili can be a different choice. You can get baked potatoes. You could possibly get fruit. There are a lot of options that don’t involve eating one thing deep fried. Instead of the pre-determined “meal deals” try to build a meal out of side dishes. When you do this you can keep your fat content and also calorie counts low.

Basic sense states that the best way to lose pounds and get healthy is to ban fast food from your diet completely. Most of the time this is a good idea but if you make beneficial choices, there’s no reason you can’t visit your drive through once in a while. Sometimes what you require most is just to have someone else do the cooking. When you want wholesome menu items, you do not have to feel terrible about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to tomato curry recipe. To make tomato curry you need 14 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Tomato Curry:
  1. Take Curry roux
  2. Use 3 tbsp curry powder
  3. Take 2 tbsp flour
  4. Prepare 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  5. Get 1 tbsp coriander seed (optional)
  6. Prepare 1 tbsp white pepper (optional)
  7. Use Soup base
  8. You need 1000 grams tomato
  9. Take 2 large onion
  10. Provide 1 carrot
  11. Provide 3 clove garlic
  12. Get 4 cup water
  13. Use 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  14. Take 1 honey, sugar, salt, soy sauce
Instructions to make Tomato Curry:
  1. Chop all vegetables into finely pieces.
  2. Heat 3 tbsp vegetable oil in frying pan, stir-fry chopped onion and carrot. Once it cooked, add garlic (to prevent the garlic from burning)
  3. Divide half of cooked vegetables for making curry roux.
  4. Add chopped tomato into the remaining cooked vegetables. Stir-fry until tomato liquid come out.
  5. Transfer to the pot on medium-high heat, add 4 cups of water
  6. For curry roux we have, cooked onion/carrot/garlic and curry powder (and grounded coriander seed and pepper, you can skip it, it's optional)
  7. On low heat, heat 1 tbsp of vegetable oil, fry curry powder and grounded spice of your choice until fragrant (curry powder is easy to burn!! Be careful)
  8. Add cooked vegatables mix with fried curry powder.
  9. Add flour, and stir the roux until the flour is cooked. (At this stage, you won't see white color of flour)
  10. Add the curry roux into boiling soup base. Mix well and heat until thicken, then turn of the heat.
  11. Wait until the curry is completely cool. Bled in the blender until smooth.
  12. Pour blended curry in the pot again, season with salt, sugar or honey (you can add variety of seasoning in Japanese style curry, such as ketchup, yogurt, stock cube, Worcestershire sauce, or other wired things like coffee and chocolate!! It's always turn out tasty) adjust the taste little by little.
  13. Serve with cooked rice and topping of your choice. Here I had some steamed new potatoes and almond :)

If you find this Tomato Curry recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.