Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€ recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€
Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€

Before you jump to Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€ recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are Several Basic Explanations Why Eating Apples Is Good.

Everybody has heard the words “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”, nevertheless the question is, is this actually a true statement. Many people have lived with this philosophy for many years, and they also pass this on to their children. This concept is known all over the world and people just take it as fact without knowing if this is actually true. You will be happy to know that we have carried out a little research, and we are going to explain to you why this is thought to be a miracle fruit.

You’ve always been told to be certain that you are eating your fruits and vegetables so you get your vitamins, but apples have always been at the top of the list. Well lets check out the vitamins and minerals which you can find in just one apple. Apples contain, manganese, phosphorus and calcium and all are generally great for your health, but there will also be many more healthy minerals in apples. Of course vitamins are additionally extremely important for your health and wellbeing and you will find vitamin B1, niacin, vitamin B6 and many more that promote health.

To conclude, I guess an apple a day actually can keep the doctor away and now you recognize why. The advantages we covered are just a handful of of the benefits that eating apples can offer. All of the benefits would take us too long to include in this write-up, however the information is out there. I really hope that the the very next time you go to the supermarket you find yourself getting plenty of apples. These apples could wind up helping you to live a longer and healthier life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to chickpea spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€ recipe. To make chickpea spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€ you only need 14 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to cook Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€:
  1. Use 1 cup dried chickpeas
  2. Use 1 small onion chopped
  3. Provide 2 garlic cloves crushed
  4. Provide 1/4 tsp cumin
  5. Get 1/4 tsp tumeric
  6. Provide 1/4 tsp corriander
  7. Get 2 tsp curry powder
  8. Provide 1/4 cup boiled water add 1 veg stock cube to it and mix
  9. Get to taste Salt n pepper
  10. You need 1/2 TSP mango chutney
  11. Prepare 1 TSP lemon juice
  12. Prepare Handful Spinach
  13. You need A few fresh coriander leaves for the finish
  14. Use 1 small squeeze of yogurt and mint mixed in for the finish. (Opt
Steps to make Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€:
  1. Rinse the chickpeas for about 5 minutes in cold water.
  2. Boil them for 30 minutes. And rinse again
  3. Add a little butter in the frying pan heat up to melt it then add the onions. Fry for 1 minute then add the garlic
  4. Add all the dried spices one after the other and mix.
  5. Then add the boiling water
  6. Add all the rest and mix leave to simmer for 30 minutes.
  7. Serve with a little yogurt and mint mixed and fresh coriander leaves in the middle.

If you find this Chickpea Spinach & potato curry πŸ˜€ recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.