Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect mashed potatoes recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best mashed potatoes recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

mashed potatoes
mashed potatoes

Before you jump to mashed potatoes recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Fine For You.

Just about every single article you read about bettering your health or slimming down is going to tell you to ignore the drive through and cook all of your meals instead. This is certainly very good information. But sometimes the last thing you would like to do is prepare a whole dinner for yourself and your family. Once in a while you only want to visit the drive through while you are on your way home and finish the day. Why shouldn’t you have the ability to do this every now and then and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet? This may be possible because lots of the popular fast food spots making the effort to make their menus healthy now. Here is the way to find healthy food choices at the drive through.

Concentrate on the sides. It was not that long ago that all you could get at a fast food diner was French Fries. Now just about all of the famous fast food places have broadened their menus. Now you may get several different salads. You may also choose Chili. You can purchase a baked potato. You could get fruit. There are plenty of healthy options that do not include things like putting something deep fried into your body. When you order your meal through a drive through window, opt for side dishes instead of just grabbing something premade. When you are doing this you may keep your fat content and also calorie counts low.

Traditional logic tells us that one certain way to get healthy and lose weight is to drop the drive through and to remove fast food restaurants from your thoughts. While this is usually a good idea all you need to do is make a few good choices and traveling to the drive through isn’t anything to worry about–when you do it in moderation. Occasionally, permitting someone else cook dinner is just what you need. There isn’t any reason to feel bad about going to the drive through when you make healthy and balanced decisions!

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to mashed potatoes recipe. You can cook mashed potatoes using 5 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to prepare mashed potatoes:
  1. Prepare 6 medium yukon gold potatoes
  2. Take 1 stick Butter
  3. Use 1/2 pints heavy whipping cream
  4. You need 1 salt
  5. You need 1 black pepper
Steps to make mashed potatoes:
  1. Turn your oven on to 375°F. You don't really have to preheat for this recipe.
  2. Arrange your potatoes on a baking tray. Bake for about 75 -90 minutes, depending on the size of your potatoes.
  3. You'll want to have your mashed potato kit ready when the potatoes come out of the oven. Slice up your stick of butter, get yourself a towel, a good bowl, a strong wooden spoon, a container for the spent tater skins, and a knife. Warm the cream gently on the stove.
  4. You know your potatoes are ready when you can poke a toothpick straight through to the center of the largest potato without feeling much resistance at all.
  5. Alright, it's go time! The rest of this recipe is a race. You're fighting time to get those potatoes whipped, seasoned, and on the table before they cool. Many cooks recommend performing the rest of this recipe over a double boiler in order to maintain temperature. Personally, I don't like to make things too complicated. Better just move quick.
  6. With your knife in your dominant hand, use the towel to pick up a hot potato with the other. Slice a strip of skin off, and scoop the insides into your bowl. Repeat with remaining potatoes.
  7. If you have a ricer available, and you like your mashed potatoes silky smooth, pass the potatoes and butter through your ricer. No ricer? Don't sweat it, just scatter the sliced butter over your potatoes and move to the next step.
  8. Beat those spuds with a wooden spoon. This technique is known to many as the 'dead arm,' technique (very little relation to the 'dead hand' technique) and I guarantee you it is the key to elevating your mashed potato game. Swirl the spoon around in the bowl until the potatoes seem to want to form a dough. Continue beating until it feels like your arm is gonna fall off.
  9. Toss in a little salt and pepper, and beat in the cream. Now, just tighten up your seasoning and don't forget to perform a final mix.
  10. Get em on the table and in some bellies. Great mashed potatoes are like a great risotto. They don't know respect. They're not gonna wait for anybody, not you, not Grandma, not anybody.

If you find this mashed potatoes recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.