Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, if you're looking for Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry
Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry

Before you jump to Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Fine For You.

Almost each and every “get healthy” and “weight loss” posting you go through will tell you to skip the drive through and make all of your meals yourself. This is really excellent advice. But at times the last thing you want to do is put together a whole dinner for yourself and your family. Sometimes just about all you really want is to go to the drive through and get home as quickly as possible. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be authorized to do this and not be suffering from guilt about slipping on your diet. This is because most famous fast food restaurants out there are trying to “healthy up” their selections. Here is how you can eat healthy when you visit the drive through.

Select a drive through for a restaurant that’s known for catering to people with better palates. For example, Arby’s won’t serve hamburgers. As an alternative you’ll be able to pick from roast beef sandwiches, salads, wraps and various healthier items. Wendy’s, although no stranger to the hamburger, likewise includes a lot of other meal choices: large salads, large baked potatoes and other tasty items fill its menu. Not all fast food locations are as unhealthy as McDonalds with its deep fried everything.

Standard logic tells us that one sure way to get healthy and shed pounds is to drop the drive through and to banish fast food restaurants from your thoughts. Most of the time this is a good idea but if you make beneficial choices, there is no reason you can’t visit your drive through from time to time. At times the thing you need most is just to have somebody else do the cooking. When you choose wholesome menu items, you do not have to feel terrible about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to mixed vegetable dry curry recipe. To cook mixed vegetable dry curry you only need 19 ingredients and 18 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry:
  1. Get 1 Carrot
  2. Get 2 Medium Potatoes
  3. Prepare 10 French Beans
  4. Take 12 medium-size Cauliflower florets
  5. You need 1/2 cup fresh Green Peas
  6. Get 1 Medium Capsicum
  7. Prepare 1/3 cup fried Paneer cubes
  8. Provide 1/2 cup finely chopped Onions
  9. Use 3/4 cup chopped Tomatoes
  10. Use 2 Green Chillies
  11. Get 1 tbsp Ginger & Garlic paste
  12. Get 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
  13. Take 1 tsp Red chilli powder
  14. Provide 1 tsp Garam masala powder
  15. Prepare 1 tbsp Cashews and Almond paste
  16. Take 4 tbsp Oil
  17. Provide to taste Salt
  18. Provide as needed Water
  19. Prepare 1 tbsp chopped Coriander leaves
Instructions to make Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry:
  1. Chop the carrots, potatoes and beans into cubes and the cauliflower into small to medium sized florets.
  2. Heat oil in a kadai or pan.
  3. Add the chopped veggies and begin to fry them.
  4. Fry them till they are cooked completely and golden from the edges.
  5. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper towels.
  6. Grind cashews, almonds, tomato and green chilli together.
  7. In the same oil put cumin seeds and add onions, stir and saute till the onions turn a light brown.
  8. Then add ginger-garlic paste and sauté till their raw aroma goes away.
  9. Add red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder,garam masala powder and salt.
  10. Add cashew paste mixture and mix well.
  11. Stir well.
  12. Add fresh peas and mix well.
  13. Now add fried veggies and mix.
  14. Cook till veggies semi cooked.
  15. Add chopped capsicum and cook for 5 to 6 minutes.
  16. Add some water if needed.
  17. In last add fried paneer cubes and cook for another 5 minutes.
  18. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve hot with naan or paratha.

If you find this Mixed Vegetable Dry Curry recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.