Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, if you're looking for Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal
Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal

Before you jump to Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are Several Basic Reasons Why Eating Apples Is Good.

More than likely you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever wonder why this is important? You might know people that live by this and also demand that their children live by this rule as well. This concept is known all over the world and people just take it as fact without knowing if this is really true. In our research we have learned why you are told to eat an apple a day and we’ll be discussing that with you here.

According to another study, apples may also have positive results on your brain. These studies indicated that the ingredients in apples have the capacity to help keep your brain cells from deteriorating as we grow older. Meaning that by eating apples you can reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s.

And now you understand why people tell you that you should eat an apple every day. In this post we just covered several of the benefits of eating an apple a day. All the benefits would take us too much time to include in this article, however the information is out there. I really hope that the next time you go to the food store you find yourself getting plenty of apples. You will find that your overall health can tremendously be benefited by consuming apples.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to tart cherry baked oatmeal recipe. You can have tart cherry baked oatmeal using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to cook Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal:
  1. Provide 2 eggs
  2. You need 12 oz walnut milk, or milk of choice
  3. Provide 2 oz light brown sugar
  4. Take 1 oz butter, melted
  5. Get 1 t vanilla bean paste or extract
  6. Use 1/4 t fine sea salt
  7. Prepare 1 t baking powder
  8. Prepare Sprinkle of cinnamon
  9. Get 3 c rolled oats (8.5oz / 240g)
  10. Use 1 can pitted tart cherries
  11. Use 32 g vanilla sugar
Instructions to make Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal:
  1. Simmer cherries and vanilla sugar until reduced to very little liquid and beginning to darken in color
  2. In a bowl, whisk the eggs then combine all of the other ingredients except the oats. Then, stir in the oats thoroughly.
  3. Into a greased 8x8" baking dish, scoop half of the oat mixture then top with cooked cherries
  4. Top with remaining oat mixture
  5. Bake at 350F for about 25 minutes, until slightly puffed and edges are beginning to turn golden. The center should be set and no longer liquid-y.

If you find this Tart Cherry Baked Oatmeal recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.