Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, if you're looking for authentic Indian chicken curry recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best authentic Indian chicken curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

authentic Indian chicken curry
authentic Indian chicken curry

Before you jump to authentic Indian chicken curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Very good For You.

Almost each and every “get healthy” and “weight loss” article you go through will tell you to skip the drive through and make all of your meals yourself. This is really very true. But occasionally the last thing you want to do is make a whole dinner for yourself and your family. Once in a while you need to pay a visit to the drive through when you are on your way home and complete the day. Why shouldn’t you be capable of do this every now and then and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet program? This is because most famous fast food restaurants out there are trying to “healthy up” their menus. Here is the way to find healthy food choices at the drive through.

Focus on the sides. Not too long ago, the only real side dish item available at a fast food restaurant was French fries. Now just about all of the popular fast food places have broadened their menus. There are lots of salads out there today. You may also pick out Chili. Baked potatoes can also be bought. Fruit is generally offered. There are a lot of possibilities that don’t require eating one thing deep fried. When you buy your meal through a drive through window, choose side dishes instead of just grabbing something premade. This makes it possible for you to keep the calorie count low and reduce your fat intake.

Fundamental logic states that the proper way to lose weight and get healthy is to ban fast food from your diet entirely. Most of the time this is a good concept but if you make great choices, there is not any reason you can’t visit your drive through now and then. Occasionally, permitting someone else cook dinner is just what you require. When you want healthful menu items, you do not have to feel bad about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to authentic indian chicken curry recipe. You can cook authentic indian chicken curry using 16 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make authentic Indian chicken curry:
  1. You need 1 kilogram chicken
  2. Take 5 onion
  3. Take 6 clove garlic
  4. Provide 2 tbsp ginger
  5. Use 4 tomatoes
  6. Use 2 tbsp tomatoe puree
  7. Take 1 tsp garam masala
  8. Prepare 1 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
  9. Get 1 tbsp ground black pepper
  10. Provide 3 tbsp natural yogurt
  11. Take 1 bunch freash coriander
  12. Provide 3 cup water
  13. You need 3 tbsp ghee or vegetable oil
  14. Take 1 tsp cumin seeds
  15. You need 2 tbsp salt
  16. Get 4 green chillies or to your taste
Instructions to make authentic Indian chicken curry:
  1. add the ghee or vegetable oil to a large pan on a medium heat
  2. add the cumin seeds and wait till they start popping
  3. add the 5 chopped onions and the salt to the pan and cook the onions till they have softened
  4. after the onions have softened add the finally chopped ginger and garlic and the green chillies cook for a further 5 minutes
  5. than add the freash chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree and cook for 10 minutes untill the tomatoes have softened
  6. after the tomatoes have softened and most of the liquid has evaporated then add the 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt to the pan and cook for a further 5 minutes
  7. than add the black pepper, garam masala, and turmaric powder to the pan and cook for 3 minutes.
  8. now add the chicken and stir fry until chicken is half cooked.
  9. after the chicken is half cooked add the 3 cups if water and simmer for 1 and a half hour or untill the sauce is nice and thick but keep stirring from time to time.
  10. after the chicken curry is cooked add the freash chopped coriander stir through.
  11. now the chicken curry is ready and can be served with rice, naan, chappatti and a nice raita on the side.
  12. you can do this with lamb or beef to

If you find this authentic Indian chicken curry recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.