Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Njahi Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Njahi Curry
Njahi Curry

Before you jump to Njahi Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Exactly Why Are Apples So Good With Regard To Your Health.

More than likely you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is actually important? Many individuals have lived with this school of thought for many years, and they also pass this on to their children. This thought can be identified in country’s all around the world and individuals follow it as gospel with out ever learning why they should eat an apple a day. You will be pleased to know that we have carried out a little research, and we are going to tell you why this is regarded as a miracle fruit.

So what can all these vitamins and minerals do for the actual health of your system. As I am confident you know, research is being carried out all the time and there have been studies that have been done that clearly show that apples can reduce some cancer risks. And on the list of cancers in which apples can help defend against is colon cancer and even lung cancer. That fact alone ought to be enough to make sure men and women are eating at least one apple a day.

And now you know why individuals tell you that you need to eat an apple every day. The advantages we covered are only a handful of of the benefits that eating apples can offer. All the benefits would take us to much time to include in this write-up, however the information is out there. I am hoping that the next time you go to the grocery store you end up getting plenty of apples. It can really help your overall health for short term as well as for the long haul.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to njahi curry recipe. To cook njahi curry you only need 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Njahi Curry:
  1. Use 1 cup boiled njahi
  2. You need 1 bunch spring onions, sliced
  3. Provide 4 sections garlic, thinly sliced
  4. Get 1 bunch dhania, sliced
  5. Provide 3 tomatoes, diced
  6. Prepare Small butternut, diced
  7. Take 1 green capsicum
  8. Prepare 1/2 cup plain yoghurt
  9. Prepare 1 sachet Simba Mbili curry powder
  10. Take 4 tablespoons cooking oil
  11. Provide To taste salt
Instructions to make Njahi Curry:
  1. Fry the garlic and spring onions.
  2. Add tomatoes, njahi and butternut and cook until tomatoes break down.
  3. Add curry powder and let dry fry with the ingredients, then add water if needed.
  4. Add yoghurt and bring to boil. Season.
  5. Switch off heat and add dhania and green capsicum and let steam a little.
  6. Serve with white rice.

If you find this Njahi Curry recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.