Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Andhra style aloo curry recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Andhra style aloo curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Andhra style aloo curry
Andhra style aloo curry

Before you jump to Andhra style aloo curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Certainly Have Enormous Benefits To Improve Your Health.

I am sure you’ve heard that you should be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is actually important? You may know individuals that live by this and also require that their children live by this principle as well. This concept is known all over the world and people just take it as fact without knowing if this is really true. In this article we are going to be taking a look at apples to see if they really are a food that can help to keep you healthy.

At this time we are going to show you the reason why these minerals and vitamins are important to good health. You may or may not be aware that apples can in fact reduce risks of various cancers, and that is due to all the things in apples. A few of the cancers that apples will help avoid are breast, liver, lung and colon cancers. Just that one factor should really be sufficient reason for every person to start eating apples.

And now you know why men and women tell you that you should eat an apple every day. The advantages we covered are just a couple of of the benefits that eating apples can provide. You will be able to discover many more benefits for your health when it comes to apples. I am hoping that the next time you go to the grocery store you find yourself getting plenty of apples. You will see that your overall health may tremendously be benefited when you eat apples.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to andhra style aloo curry recipe. You can cook andhra style aloo curry using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Andhra style aloo curry:
  1. Use 3 potato
  2. Get 1 onion
  3. Take 2 tomato
  4. Take 1 tsp garam masala
  5. Provide 1 Pinch Jira, Cummin seeds for masala
  6. Get 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
  7. Take 1/2 tsp haldi powder
  8. Provide 1 cup curd
  9. You need to taste Salt
  10. Provide to taste Few cashew to add
Steps to make Andhra style aloo curry:
  1. Peel the potato, wash it well and cut into pieces. Finely chop the onion and keep it. Cut tomato into medium size pieces.
  2. Take a kadhai, Add oil to it and put it on gas stove with low simmer. Add Jira, Cummin seeds. Add onion too. Saute the mixture
  3. Now add tomatoes, potato. Mix it well. Let it boil for 10 mins.
  4. Now add the masalas, salt as per taste and let the masalas mix well. Keep it for 5 mins. Add cashew to garnish.
  5. Before serving, add curd to it and mix it well. Curd gives it a tangy flavour. Serve hot.

If you find this Andhra style aloo curry recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.