Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Nasi Goreng Daging recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Nasi Goreng Daging
Nasi Goreng Daging

Before you jump to Nasi Goreng Daging recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Healthy and balanced Fast Food.

Just about any article you read about improving your health or slimming down is going to tell you to ignore the drive through and cook all of your meals instead. This is actually very good advice. Once in a while, though, you absolutely do not want to make an entire meal for your family or even just for yourself. Once in a while you only want to visit the drive through when you are on your way home and end the day. There is no reason that you simply shouldn’t be able to make it happen once in a while and be free of the guilt usually associated with “diet slips”. This may be possible because lots of the popular fast food spots are attempting to make their menus healthier now. Here’s how you’ll be able to eat healthfully when you are at a fast food spot.

Aim for the side dishes. It wasn’t so long ago that French Fries were your sole side dish option at a restaurant. Today the vast majority of the most popular fast food franchises have amplified their choices. Now lots of them offer you salads. You may also select Chili. You can also get a baked potato. You can pick fruit. There are so many options that you can choose that do not force you to eat foods that have been deep fried. When choosing your supper from the drive through, select a variety of side items instead of choosing a pre-made “meal deal”. When you are doing this you can keep your fat content as well as your calorie counts low.

Logic states that that one of the best ways to stay balanced is to sidestep the drive through and never eat fast food. While this is usually a good suggestion all you need to do is make a few good choices and traveling to the drive through isn’t anything to worry about–when you do it in moderation. Sometimes the best thing is to let another person make your dinner. There isn’t any reason to feel bad about visiting the drive through when you make healthy and balanced decisions!

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to nasi goreng daging recipe. To make nasi goreng daging you only need 13 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Nasi Goreng Daging:
  1. Take 500 g Minced Beef
  2. You need 500 g Long Grain Rice
  3. Get Large White Onion
  4. Prepare 3 Cloves Garlic
  5. You need Spring Onion (as much as you like)
  6. Prepare Small piece of ginger (I use my thumbnail as a size guide)
  7. You need 2 eggs
  8. Provide 4 tablespoons Maykway Curry Powder
  9. You need 2 tablespoons Chilli Powder
  10. Prepare 1 tablespoon White Pepper
  11. Use Juice of one Lemon
  12. You need Another egg per each portion (for topping)
  13. Provide Low fat cooking spray
Instructions to make Nasi Goreng Daging:
  1. Boil rice until cooked - drain and leave to cool (I put mine in the fridge for an hour)
  2. Chop all veg finely.
  3. Fry all cooked rice in a wok with a little cooking spray.
  4. Make a two egg omelette in a separate pan. Once fully cooked, shred into small pieces and stir through rice.
  5. Once rice is fried, remove from wok and set to one side.
  6. Cook all beef in wok with cooking spray until browned.
  7. Mix together curry powder, chilli powder and white pepper in a bowl.
  8. Put spice mix onto the beef with the juice of a lemon and stir until all coated. Then remove and set to one side.
  9. Stir fry all veg in wok.
  10. Once veg is starting to soften, add beef and then rice and stir all together. Pour in a little soy sauce if you like.
  11. Fry one egg for each person eating. Serve Nasi Goreng on a plate, topping with an egg and some chopped spring onion.
  12. Bon Appetite! 😋👌

If you find this Nasi Goreng Daging recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.