Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips
Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips

Before you jump to Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Could Certainly Have Huge Advantages For Your Health.

More than likely you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever wonder why this is actually important? This is a thing that many people live by and they also make sure their children are eating at least one apple a day. You will even find that people in other country’s also follow this simple rule and they do not even know why. In this post we are going to be looking at apples to see if they really are a food which will help to keep you healthy.

While everyone understands that taking in plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to ensure your body gets all the nutrition it needs, why are apples pushed so much? The first thing you should understand is that apples have more vitamins and minerals than various other fruits.. Apples contain, manganese, phosphorus and calcium and all are generally good for your health, but there are also many more healthy minerals in apples. And you will even discover vitamins in your apples like, vitamin A, B1, B2, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, B6, C, E, K and other trace vitamins.

And now you know why individuals tell you that you ought to eat an apple every day. The one thing you should understand is that we only mentioned a portion of the benefits of eating apples. If you look and ask around, you will come to see that the benefits can appear limitless. So do yourself a favor and pick up some apples the next time you go to supermarkets. You will notice that your overall health can greatly be benefited by consuming apples.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips recipe. To cook indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips you only need 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips:
  1. Prepare Flour, oil salt
  2. Provide Pepper onion lettuce
  3. Take Cauliflower
  4. Get Spices, tumeric curry cummin
  5. Get Plantain
  6. Take Sweet potatoes
  7. Use Carrot tomatoes egg
  8. Get Egg
Instructions to make Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips:
  1. Sieve your flour and mix together with pinch of salt black pepper cummin tumeric oil and chopped lettuce. Add in your diced cauliflower grated pepper and onion and mould then deep fry. Strain oil.
  2. Slice your plantain sprinkle salt and grill on a pan till crisp.
  3. Slice your carrot into strips boil and add pepper then onions saute with spices and little oil in a pan.
  4. Cut your sweet potatoes into desired shape and boil to tender then roll in curry and shallow fry lightly and add caramelize onion and spices.
  5. Boil egg, slice both eggs and tomatoes and serve as desired.

If you find this Indian green flour balls, grilled plantain curry rolled potatoes, glazed spicy carrots strips recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.