Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Aloo parwal curry recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Aloo parwal curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Aloo parwal curry
Aloo parwal curry

Before you jump to Aloo parwal curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Healthy and balanced Fast Food.

Almost every single article about reducing your weight and getting healthy informs readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague and that they need to do all of their own cooking. This is actually excellent advice. But at times the last thing you wish to do is make a whole supper for yourself and your family. Once in a while you just want to check out the drive through while you’re on your way home and end the day. Why shouldn’t you be able to do this every so often and not have a bunch of guilt about slipping up on your diet regime? This is because many of the well-known fast food restaurants around are trying to “healthy up” their menus. Here is how you can find healthy food choices at the drive through.

Concentrate on the sides. Not that long ago, the sole side dish item at a fast food restaurant was French fries. Now virtually all of the popular fast food places have broadened their menus. Now plenty of them offer salads. You could get chili. Baked potatoes can also be purchased. You can choose fruit. There are a lot of possibilities that don’t involve eating anything deep fried. When you get your meal through a drive through window, opt for side dishes instead of just grabbing something premade. You’ll maintain your calorie and fatty food count lower and escape dedication.

Common logic tells us that one positive way to get healthy and lose weight is to by pass the drive through and to banish fast food restaurants from your thoughts. While this is usually a good idea all you need to do is make a couple of good choices and traveling to the drive through isn’t anything to worry about–when you do it in moderation. At times what you require most is just to have someone else do the cooking. If you choose healthy items, the shame usually associated with hitting the drive through shouldn’t be so bad.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to aloo parwal curry recipe. You can have aloo parwal curry using 14 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Aloo parwal curry:
  1. You need 200 GM pointed gourd
  2. Take 3 Potatoes
  3. Prepare 1 onion chopped
  4. You need 1 tomato chopped
  5. Provide 1 tsp ginger paste
  6. Provide 1 tsp garlic
  7. You need 1 tbsp cumin powder
  8. Get 1 tsp red chilli Powder
  9. Take 1/2 tsp garam masala powder
  10. Provide 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  11. Get 1 tsp cumin seed
  12. Provide 1 bay leaf
  13. Use To taste salt and sugar
  14. Provide As needed oil
Steps to make Aloo parwal curry:
  1. Heat oil and temper cumin seed bay leaf
  2. Add gourd and Potatoes and saute well till it is golden brown
  3. Add salt and turmeric powder and cover
  4. Now remove it and add onion chopped and saute
  5. Add ginger garlic paste and saute well
  6. Add cumin powder and red chilli Powder and mix well
  7. Add tomato and saute well
  8. Now add water and simmer till the veggies get cooked well
  9. Add sugar and garam masala powder and ghee
  10. Serve it with rice

If you find this Aloo parwal curry recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.