Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Cauliflower Keema Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Cauliflower Keema Curry
Cauliflower Keema Curry

Before you jump to Cauliflower Keema Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are Some Simple Explanations Why Consuming Apples Is Good.

I am certain you have heard that you should be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is important? This is something that many men and women live by and they also make sure their children are eating at least one apple a day. This thought can be found in country’s all around the world and men and women follow it as gospel with out ever learning why they should eat an apple a day. In this article we are going to be examining apples to see if they really are a food that can help to keep you healthy.

I am sure you’ve heard of Cornell University, well they did their own study on how apples will benefit a persons brain. They found that one of the ingredients in apples known as quercetin, has actually been proven to help you to protect brain cells. Meaning by eating apples it is possible to reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s.

I really hope I have revealed some good information that defined why apples are so good. In this article we just dealt with some of the benefits of eating an apple a day. All the benefits would take us too long to include in this write-up, but the information is out there. I really hope that the next time you go to the grocery store you find yourself getting plenty of apples. These apples could lead to helping you to live a longer and also healthier life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to cauliflower keema curry recipe. To cook cauliflower keema curry you need 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook Cauliflower Keema Curry:
  1. You need 1 half a head Cauliflower
  2. Provide 200 grams Minced chicken
  3. Prepare 1 clove plus Garlic
  4. Use 1 half a clove Ginger
  5. Prepare 1 Red chilli (sliced)
  6. Use 2 1/2 cup Water
  7. Use 1 cube Soup stock cube
  8. Use 3 tbsp ●Curry powder
  9. Provide 2 tsp ●Cumin seeds
  10. Get 1 ● Cayenne pepper
  11. Take 50 ml ●Tomato juice
  12. Use 1 tsp ●Soy sauce
Steps to make Cauliflower Keema Curry:
  1. Slice the cauliflower and the stem finely. Mince garlic and ginger. Dry roast the cumin seeds or lightly fry until fragrant.
  2. Heat oil, garlic and ginger in a frying pan. When fragrant, add the meat. Then, add the cauliflower and fry, taking care not to burn. Add the chili pepper, water and stock cube, and simmer for 7-8 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Add the ingredients marked ● in the order listed. Simmer for around 3-4 minutes until the sauce has nearly gone and it's done! Taste and add salt if necessary.
  4. It's delicious if you top with sliced onion, sprinkled with lemon juice!

If you find this Cauliflower Keema Curry recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.