Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Stir fried mixed vegetable curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Stir fried mixed vegetable curry
Stir fried mixed vegetable curry

Before you jump to Stir fried mixed vegetable curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Exactly Why Are Apples So Good For Your Health.

I am sure you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is actually important? Many men and women have lived with this philosophy for many years, and they also pass this on to their children. You will even find that men and women in other country’s also adhere to this simple rule and they don’t even know why. You will be happy to know that we have done a little research, and we are going to explain to you why this is thought to be a miracle fruit.

You will additionally be able to have a much healthier heart by eating apples. Many of the things you find in apples, and yes this includes fiber, can in fact help to supply you with a healthy heart. You may even be surprised to discover that another way apples can assist your heart is by lowering cholesterol. The skin of the apple is where most of the healthy vitamins and minerals can be located in an apple. The reason why I point this out is simply because many men and women will peel an apple before eating it and that is actually a bad thing as you are getting rid of a lot of the nutritional value.

And now you recognize why people tell you that you need to eat an apple every day. The benefits we covered are just a couple of of the benefits that eating apples can provide. All the benefits would take us too long to include in this post, but the information is out there. I am hoping that the next time you go to the food store you wind up getting plenty of apples. These apples can lead to helping you to live a longer and also healthier life.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to stir fried mixed vegetable curry recipe. To make stir fried mixed vegetable curry you only need 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to make Stir fried mixed vegetable curry:
  1. Take 1/4 c sesame seed oil
  2. Provide 1 tsp mustard seeds
  3. Take 1 tsp fennel seed
  4. Provide 1 pinch asafetida
  5. Get 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  6. Use 1/4 c curry leaves
  7. Prepare 2 green chiles, sliced
  8. Take 1 tbsp ginger, chopped
  9. Prepare 1 c onion, chopped
  10. Provide 1 tsp garlic, minced
  11. You need 1/2 c tomatos. Cut into small pieces
  12. Provide 1 tsp garam masala
  13. Prepare 2 c peas and carrots (frozen)
  14. Prepare 1/4 c cilantro, chopped
  15. Provide 2 c steam cooked potato, peeled and sliced
  16. Use 2 c cauliflowers, steamed
  17. You need to taste Salt
Steps to make Stir fried mixed vegetable curry:
  1. Collect all required ingredients; keep them within your reach
  2. Cook potatoes in a pressure cooker, peel. - Steam cook cauliflower for a few minutes, no pressure. Do not overcook.Over medium heat in a skillet, in hot oil temper mustard, fennel and asafetida. Stir in curry leaves, ginger, chile, turmeric and onion. Sauté onion until brown. - Stir in garlic and tomato, Continue cooking over medium heat -4-5 minutes.
  3. Stir in peas and carrots-about 4 minutes. - Mash the cooked potatoes with your fingers and add to the rest in the skillet; add curry powder or garam masala, toss.
  4. Add steamed cauliflower. Toss gently not to break cauliflower - Stir in salt and chopped cilantro. Curried vegetables are ready to taste. - Taste and serve with rotties, rice, or parantha etc.

If you find this Stir fried mixed vegetable curry recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.