Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best yummy mutton curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

yummy mutton curry
yummy mutton curry

Before you jump to yummy mutton curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are A Few Basic Explanations Why Consuming Apples Is Good.

I am certain you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is important? This is something that many people live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. This concept is known all over the world and people just take it as fact without knowing if this is really true. You will be delighted to know that we have carried out a little research, and we are going to explain to you why this is regarded as a miracle fruit.

You will additionally be able to possess a healthier heart by eating apples. I am certain you know that apples have fiber, and that, and some of the various other ingredients of apples can promote heart health. You might also be surprised to find out that another way apples will help your heart is by lowering cholesterol. The skin of the apple is where a lot of the healthy vitamins and minerals can be found in an apple. If you happen to be one of the people who skin their apple before feeding on it, you may want to change that habit so that you are getting all the benefits from the apple that you can get.

I hope I have revealed some information that defined why apples are so good for you. The one thing you should realize is that we only covered a portion of the benefits of eating apples. If you look and ask around, you’ll come to see that the benefits can seem to be limitless. When you go shopping again, don’t forget to purchase some apples, their in the produce isle. These apples could lead to helping you to live a longer and also healthier life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to yummy mutton curry recipe. To make yummy mutton curry you only need 11 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to prepare yummy mutton curry:
  1. Get 2 finely chopped onions
  2. Use 1/2 chopped capsicum
  3. Take 4 tbsp ginger garlic paste
  4. Provide 1/2 tbsp red chilli powder
  5. You need 1/2 tbsp cumin powder
  6. Provide 1/2 tsp garam masala
  7. Prepare 3/4 tbsp salt
  8. Prepare 1/2 tsp sugar
  9. You need 1/2 kg washed mutton pieces
  10. Get 1 oil
  11. Use 1 required amount of water
Instructions to make yummy mutton curry:
  1. heat oil in pan
  2. add finely chopped onions
  3. add capsicum and saute them
  4. add salt and sugar
  5. add red chilli powder
  6. add ginger garlic paste
  7. add cumin powder
  8. add washed mutton pieces
  9. add 2 cups water
  10. keep in pressure for 4 whistles
  11. add garam masala
  12. serve hot with rice or chapatti

If you find this yummy mutton curry recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.