Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, if you're looking for Beef Mazegohan recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Beef Mazegohan recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Beef Mazegohan
Beef Mazegohan

Before you jump to Beef Mazegohan recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Deciding on Healthy and balanced Fast Food.

Almost every single article about weight loss and getting healthy explains readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague and to do all of their own cooking. This is actually excellent guidance. But sometimes the last thing you would like to do is put together a whole dinner for yourself and your family. Sometimes almost all you really want is to go to the drive through and get home as quickly as possible. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be authorized to do this and not be tormented by guilt about slipping on your diet. This is because many of the famous fast food restaurants on the market are trying to โ€œhealthy upโ€ their menus. Here’s how it’s possible to eat healthfully while you are at a fast food spot.

Concentrate on the sides. Not so long ago, the only real side dish item at a fast food restaurant was French fries. Now virtually all of the well-known fast food places have widened their menus. There are lots of salads around today. You can also pick out Chili. You can get baked potatoes. Fruit is normally obtainable. There are many healthful options that do not consist of putting something deep fried into your body. Instead of the pre-determined “meal deals” try to create a meal consisting of side dishes. When you do this you can keep your fat content as well as your calorie counts low.

Simple reason states that the simplest way to lose fat and get healthy is to ban fast food from your diet altogether. While, usually, this is a good idea, if you make smart choices, there is no reason to feel guilty for visiting a drive through one or two times a month. Sometimes the best thing is to let another person create your dinner. When you select wholesome menu items, you do not have to feel terrible about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to beef mazegohan recipe. To cook beef mazegohan you need 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Beef Mazegohan:
  1. You need 2 cups Japanese Short Grain Rice (*180ml cups)
  2. Use 500 g Lean Beef Steak *thinly sliced
  3. Take 1 small piece of Ginger *sliced into fine strips
  4. Take 1/2 Carrot
  5. Use 4-5 Shiitake
  6. Take 2 Spring Onion
  7. Provide 1 tablespoon Oil
  8. Get 1 tablespoon Sugar
  9. Take 3-4 tablespoons Soy Sauce
  10. Take 2 tablespoons Mirin
  11. Take Edamame Beans *optional
Instructions to make Beef Mazegohan:
  1. Wash Rice then cook as normal.
  2. Slice Beef steak very thinly. Cut Ginger into fine strips. Slice Carrot and Shiitake also into strips.
  3. Heat Oil in a frying pan and brown the Beef slices with Ginger and Carrot. Then add Shiitake.
  4. Add Sugar, Soy Sauce and Mirin, and cook until the sauce thickens. When the sauce is almost gone, remove from heat and mix with freshly cooked rice.
  5. Sprinkle some chopped Spring Onion and Edamame on top and serve.

If you find this Beef Mazegohan recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.