Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour
Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour

Before you jump to Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are Several Simple Reasons Why Consuming Apples Is Good.

I am sure you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is important? You might know individuals that live by this and also require that their children live by this principle as well. This idea is known all over the world and individuals just take it as fact without knowing if this is in fact true. You will be happy to know that we have carried out a little research, and we are going to tell you why this is considered a miracle fruit.

So what can all these minerals and vitamins do for the overall health of your system. As I am confident you know, research is being performed all the time and there have been studies that have been done that indicate that apples can reduce some cancer risks. And on the list of cancers in which apples can help ward off is colon cancer and even lung cancer. I’m not sure about you but when I read that I went out and purchased an entire bag of apples.

And now you know why men and women tell you that you ought to eat an apple every day. The one thing you should recognize is that we only mentioned a portion of the benefits of eating apples. All of the benefits would take us too much time to include in this write-up, nevertheless the information is out there. I really hope that the next time you go to the supermarket you wind up getting plenty of apples. These apples can certainly end up helping you to live a longer as well as healthier life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to mini potato pie ~ curry flavour recipe. You can cook mini potato pie ~ curry flavour using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour:
  1. You need 3 each potato
  2. Get 1 each onion
  3. Get 3 tbsp Curry powder
  4. You need 3 tsp chicken powder
  5. You need 1 packages Puff Pastry sheet (10pcs per pack)
  6. Provide 1 1/2 cup water
  7. Get 2 tbsp cooking oil
  8. Use 1 tbsp butter (for mold greasing)
Steps to make Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour:
  1. Dice onion and potatoes
  2. Heat frying pan add in cooking oil stir fried onion for 2 mins. Add in curry powder, continues to fried for 1 minutes
  3. Add in potatoes sitestir fried and mixed well let it cook for 2 minutes. Add in water cooked for another 15 minutes with lid on until potatoes become soft.
  4. Preheat oven to 200°C
  5. Greased baking Mold with butter, lay with Puff Pastry
  6. Filled with cooked curry potatoes. Sealed with puffed Pastry. . Add desire decoration
  7. Baked for 35 minutes with 175°C

If you find this Mini potato pie ~ curry flavour recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.