Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Potato Yogurt Curry recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Potato Yogurt Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Potato Yogurt Curry
Potato Yogurt Curry

Before you jump to Potato Yogurt Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Good For You.

Almost every single “get healthy” and “weight loss” document you study will tell you to skip the drive through and make all of your meals yourself. There’s some value to this. Sometimes, though, the last thing you choose is to have to prepare meals from scratch. Once in a while you need to pay a visit to the drive through while you are on your way home and complete the day. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be permitted to do this and not be suffering from remorse about slipping on your diet. This is because many of the well-known fast food restaurants around are trying to “healthy up” their choices. Here is the way to find healthy food at the drive through.

Pick water, juice or maybe milk as a beverage. Drinking a large soda causes hundreds of empty unhealthy calories into your diet. Usually just one helping of soda pop is merely eight ounces big. That serving usually contains at the very least a hundred calories and more than a few tablespoons of sugar. Most fast food soda sizes start at twenty ounces. Thirty ounces, however, is much more common. Choosing a soda pop as your beverage raises your calorie ingestion by thousands and adds way too much sugar to your diet. It is much healthier to select milk, juice and also standard water.

Logic states that that one the easiest way to stay healthy is to sidestep the drive through and never eat fast food. While, in most cases, this is a good strategy, if you make intelligent choices, there is no reason to feel guilty for visiting a drive through one or two times a month. Sometimes the best thing is to let other people produce your dinner. When you want healthy menu items, you do not have to feel bad about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to potato yogurt curry recipe. To make potato yogurt curry you only need 9 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook Potato Yogurt Curry:
  1. You need 5 medium-sized boiled potatoes
  2. Provide Salt
  3. Use 1 tbsp turmeric
  4. Use 2 tsp red chilly powder
  5. Use 1 cup water
  6. You need 1 1/3 cup plain yogurt
  7. Get 1 Asafoetida
  8. Prepare 1 cumin seed
  9. Take 3 tbsp sunflower/mustard seed/olive oil
Instructions to make Potato Yogurt Curry:
  1. Roughly crush the potatoes in the cooking utensil
  2. Submerge the potatoes with water completely. Water level should not be more than half a centimeter above the potatoes
  3. Add salt and red chilly powder/flakes to taste. Doesn't have to be too stringent with the quantity of ingredients.
  4. Add turmeric such that the water solutions looks bright yellow.
  5. Add a pinch of Asafoetida (Heeng - in hindi). If you love it you can add another but over doing it will spoil the overall taste. So stick to one pinch of it.
  6. Keep the cookware on the stove till the water starts to evaporate. When it does add yogurt slightly more than the water added.
  7. Stir till the mix comes to a boil. Taste the soup. And add salt, red chilly powder/flakes to taste and turmeric for bright yellow color.
  8. Turn off the heat and keep the soup/curry aside.
  9. Use some oil (mustard seed oil/ olive oil /sunflower oil) in a ladle and keep it on the stove. When it heats up a little add cumin seeds, Asafoetida and curry leaves (finely chopped) in the oil. Beware of the splash of oil due to curry leaves (you can choose to ignore it in your version)
  10. Do not burn anything in the ladle. As soon as the ingredients turn dark add them to the curry/soup and close the lid quickly. Garnish it with coriander leaves and serve it with Indian Bread (chapati)

If you find this Potato Yogurt Curry recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.