Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, if you're looking for Sweet potato curry pie recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Sweet potato curry pie recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Sweet potato curry pie
Sweet potato curry pie

Before you jump to Sweet potato curry pie recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Have Huge Advantages To Improve Your Health.

I am sure you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever wonder why this is actually important? You might know men and women that live by this and also require that their children live by this principle as well. This thought is known all over the world and men and women just take it as fact without knowing if this is actually true. You will be happy to know that we have completed a little research, and we are going to tell you why this is regarded as a miracle fruit.

Based on another study, apples also can have great results on your brain. While performing their study they learned that, quercetin, which is located in apples assists in maintaining healthy brain cells. And of course thanks to this component in apples, they can essentially reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms.

To conclude, I guess an apple a day really can keep the doctor away and now you know why. Something you should realize is that we only mentioned a handful of the benefits of eating apples. You’ll be able to discover many more benefits with regard to your health in relation to apples. So do yourself a favor and pick up some apples the very next time you go to the grocery store. These apples can certainly lead to helping you to live a longer and healthier life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to sweet potato curry pie recipe. You can have sweet potato curry pie using 16 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to cook Sweet potato curry pie:
  1. Provide 3 tbsp olive oil
  2. Prepare 2 cloves garlic, minced
  3. Get 1 onion, minced
  4. Prepare 1 habenero (or other chili pepper), minced
  5. Use 16 oz cubed sweet potato
  6. Provide 1 cup frozen peas
  7. You need 1 1/2 cup chicken stock
  8. Prepare 1 tbsp garam masala
  9. Provide 1 tsp ground tumeric
  10. Provide 1 tsp ground cumin
  11. Prepare 1 cup cooked chicken, chopped
  12. Provide 5 oz plain Greek yogurt
  13. Use to taste Salt
  14. You need 1 tube Pillsbury Crescent Roll dough (Sweet Hawaiian, if you can find it!)
  15. Take 1 egg
  16. You need 1 tbsp milk
Instructions to make Sweet potato curry pie:
  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Heat oil in large pan and sauté minced onion, garlic, and chili for 2-3 mins over medium-high heat
  3. Stir in the spices and cook for another 2-3 mins
  4. Add chicken broth and vegetables. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 mins or until vegetables are almost tender.
  5. Stir in Greek yogurt and cooked chicken.
  6. Taste test! Add salt or more spices if needed. If you’d like the sauce thicker, add some tapioca starch. If you’d like it thinner, add more chicken broth or water.
  7. Spoon into a casserole dish (or if you’re feeling fancy, into four individual croquettes). Cover with the unrolled (but intact) Pillsbury crescent roll dough. This works especially well if you use an oval-shaped casserole dish, otherwise you may need to rearrange a bit. If you’re using individual croquettes, two triangles per croquette works well.
  8. Beat egg with milk and brush onto crust. Bake for 15 mins or until golden brown, and serve!

If you find this Sweet potato curry pie recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.