Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry)
Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry)

Before you jump to Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Choosing Fast Food That’s Very good For You.

Almost every single article about reducing your weight and getting healthy explains readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague and to perform all of their own cooking. This is certainly good advice. Once in a while, though, you absolutely do not wish to make an entire meal for your family or even just for yourself. Sometimes you just wish to go to the drive through on the way home and call it a day. There isn’t any reason that you shouldn’t be permitted to do this and not be suffering from guilt about slipping on your diet. This is because many of the popular fast food restaurants around are trying to “healthy up” their menus. Here is how you can eat healthfully when you visit the drive through.

Choose water, juice or maybe milk as a drink. Drinking a large soda forces hundreds of empty calories into your diet. One portion of pop is eight ounces. Those eight ounces tend to be at least 100 calories and close to ten tablespoons of sugar. Most fast food soft drink sizes begin at twenty ounces. Thirty ounces, however, is much more common. Choosing a soft drink as your drink raises your calorie absorption by thousands and adds way too much sugar to your diet. Milk, fruit juices and also plain water are much healthier choices.

Standard logic tells us that one positive way to get healthy and lose fat is to by pass the drive through and to banish fast food restaurants from your thoughts. While, in most cases, this is a good idea, if you make smart choices, there is no reason to feel guilty for visiting a drive through one or two times a month. Occasionally, allowing someone else cook dinner is just the thing you need. When you choose healthy menu items, you do not have to feel bad about visiting the drive through.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to ikan woku (fish in herbal curry) recipe. You can cook ikan woku (fish in herbal curry) using 23 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry):
  1. Get 1 red snappers (about 1 kg total), clean and cut to 4-6 pieces
  2. Provide (I use 6 part of snapper fin meat)
  3. Use 1 lime, extract the juice
  4. Get 1 teaspoon salt
  5. Take 3 tablespoons oil
  6. You need 2 lemongrass, bruised and knotted
  7. You need 1 pandanus leaves (you can find at the Asian grocery)
  8. Use 5 kaffir lime leaves
  9. Get 1 liter water
  10. Get 3 green tomato, cut each inti halves
  11. Provide 1 tomato cut into quarter
  12. Use 1 teaspoon salt, to taste
  13. Get Grind the following into spice paste
  14. Take 100 gram shallot
  15. You need 3 cloves garlic
  16. Take 10 red cayenne chillies
  17. Provide 2-10 red bird's eye chillies (or more if you like more spicy)
  18. Use 2 inch ginger
  19. Provide 1 inch turmeric
  20. Take 3 candlenuts
  21. You need Garnish
  22. Provide 2 scallions, thinly sliced
  23. Provide 1 handful lemon basil/Thai basil leaves
Steps to make Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry):
  1. Heat oil in a wok/pan on high heat and sauté spice paste, lemongrass, pandan leaves, and kaffir lime leaves until fragrant, about 5 minutes.
  2. Add the fish into the wok/pan, mix well. - Add water and bring to a boil.  Add grean tomato, tomato, and season with salt.  - Reduce heat, and simmer until the sauce is slightly reduced, about 30 minutes. Adjust the salt as needed.
  3. Turn off heat, transfer to a serving plate, garnish with scallions and lemon basil.
  4. Enjoy with rice and crackers, happy cooking guys 😍

If you find this Ikan woku (fish in herbal curry) recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.