Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken
Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken

Before you jump to Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Why Are Apples So Fantastic Pertaining To Your Health.

I am sure you have heard that you ought to be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is important? This is something which many people live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. You will even find that men and women in other country’s also follow this simple rule and they do not even know why. In our research we have found out why you are told to eat an apple a day and we’ll be discussing that with you here.

Your heart is another thing that can be helped by consuming apples. With all the ingredients that you will find in apples, including fiber, they work together to help your heart health. One more of the added benefits apples can give you is that it can help you to lower your cholesterol, and you must also know that this also helps your heart. Needless to say to get all the benefits from apples you should know that most of the benefits can be located in the apples skin. If you happen to be one of the individuals who skin their apple before feeding on it, you may want to change that habit so that you are getting all the benefits from the apple that you can get.

And now you understand why people tell you that you need to eat an apple every day. Something you should realize is that we only mentioned a handful of the benefits of eating apples. It is possible to find many more benefits with regard to your health when it comes to apples. When you go shopping again, be sure to pick up some apples, their in the produce section. It can really help your health for short term as well as for the long haul.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to fried irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken recipe. To cook fried irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken you need 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken:
  1. Get Potatoes
  2. Prepare Chicken
  3. Prepare Chicken spices
  4. Provide Onion
  5. Take Plantain
  6. Get Oil
  7. Provide Soy sauce
Steps to make Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken:
  1. Ki fere dankali ki yankashi ki soya.
  2. Ki soya plantain and set aside.
  3. Ki wanke kaza ki yankata ki marinate sannan kisa a pan ko oven ki gasa sannan ki yanka albasa ki zuba tayi kama 5mins ki cireshi a wuta.

If you find this Fried Irish potatoes,plantain and oven baked chicken recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.