Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Cauliflower kofta curry recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Cauliflower kofta curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Cauliflower kofta curry
Cauliflower kofta curry

Before you jump to Cauliflower kofta curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Could Certainly Have Huge Advantages For Your Health.

On TV plus in magazines everybody is telling you to eat an apple a day, however, have you ever asked yourself why? Many people have lived with this school of thought for many years, and they also pass this on to their children. This idea is known all over the world and men and women just take it as fact without knowing if this is actually true. In our research we have found out why you are told to eat an apple a day and we’ll be discussing that with you here.

According to another study, apples can also have good results on your brain. While doing their study they found that, quercetin, which is found in apples assists in maintaining healthier brain cells. Meaning that by eating apples it is possible to minimize the risk of getting Alzheimer’s.

In conclusion, I guess an apple a day actually can keep the doctor away and now you know why. In this post we just discussed a few of the benefits of eating an apple a day. You’ll be able to locate many more benefits regarding your health when it comes to apples. So do yourself a favor and grab some apples the next time you go to the store. These apples can certainly end up helping you to live a longer and healthier life.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to cauliflower kofta curry recipe. You can have cauliflower kofta curry using 29 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Cauliflower kofta curry:
  1. Take For Kofta
  2. Provide 1 small Cauliflower
  3. You need 1-inch ginger
  4. Get 1 green chili
  5. You need 1 tbsp coriander, finely chopped
  6. You need 4 tbsp besan
  7. You need to taste salt
  8. Get 1 tsp oil
  9. You need as required Oil for frying
  10. Provide For Curry
  11. Prepare 2 onions
  12. Provide 2 medium tomatoes
  13. Prepare 1 green chili
  14. You need 5-6 garlic
  15. Use 1-inch ginger
  16. Get 2 tbsp coriander powder
  17. Provide 1 tbsp degi mirch
  18. Take 1 tbsp sabzi masala
  19. Provide 1 tsp turmeric powder
  20. Take 2-3 tbsp oil
  21. Prepare 1/4 tsp cumin seeds
  22. Prepare 1 pinch asafoetida
  23. Prepare 1 tbsp roasted besan
  24. Use 1 tbsp fennel powder
  25. Get 2 tbsp malai+1 tbsp curd mix
  26. Get to taste salt
  27. Get as required water
  28. You need 1 tbsp coriander, finely chopped
  29. Take 1 tsp freshly crushed black pepper
Steps to make Cauliflower kofta curry:
  1. Wash and cut small cauliflower into pieces and grate it with ginger and green chili in a mixer grinder.
  2. Now, add coriander leaves and besan in it. Mix well and try to make kofta with hands. Use besan according to the binding.
  3. Then, add salt and oil to it. Mix well with hands to make kofta mixture. Now grease hands with oil and prepare small koftas.
  4. Deep fry koftas in medium hot oil by stirring occasionally until golden brown.
  5. For curry coarsely grind onion, tomato, ginger, garlic, and green chili in the grinder. Take it out in a bowl.
  6. Then, add all dry spices (coriander powder, turmeric powder, degi mirch and sabzi masala) in curry paste and mix well.
  7. Heat oil in a Kadai and roast cumin in it. Then, add asafoetida and mix well for a minute.
  8. Now, add curry paste to it and cook for 2-3 minutes on medium-low flame till oil separates.
  9. Then, add roasted besan and fennel powder to it. Then, add malai and curd mixture to it. Mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes on medium flame by stirring continuously.
  10. Then, add salt and 1 cup water to it. Mix well and cook for a minute by covering it with lid.
  11. Then, add fried gobhi kofte and mix gently. Cover it with lid and cook for a minute.
  12. Finally, add coriander leaves and black pepper to it. Mix well and serve hot with rice or chapati.

If you find this Cauliflower kofta curry recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.